Monday 20 June 2016

10 WEEKS (PRUNE): Jun 5-11

10 Weeks (PRUNE):
I don't think I grew much from 9-10 weeks. Maybe my bloat is finally at its peak?

  • Baby is developing finger and toenails already! Baby's stomach is producing digestive juices, the tooth buds are developing, kidneys are producing urine (maybe that's why I have to pee so often). If it's a boy he's started producing testosterone, and if it's a girl, she's already started producing tiny eggs in her ovaries!
  • Already almost 1.5 inches long! 
  • Baby has joints! Can bend his/her arms and flex the wrists. 
  • Starting to notice veins being visible, particularly around my breasts. 
  • Occasional cramping, which I believe to be round ligament pain. It is a sharp pain (usually on one side) that lasts 10-20 seconds, and is caused by the muscles in my abdomen and around my uterus stretching out. So cool!
  • Head-rushes and lightheadedness! Sometimes when I stand up I will almost black out. This could be caused by the fact that my blood volume (pressure) is too low. My circulatory system is expanding rapidly, and I may not have produced enough blood yet to fill it! I always have low blood pressure, but I definitely have to be careful now!
  • Wait a second... 10 weeks? That means I'm already at least 25% of the way there? That seems way too fast!
  • At the beginning of the week my skin was super clear. I was bragging about it, and I think I may have jinxed myself! By the end of the week I'm back to pre-teen status. It comes with the territory I suppose.
  • I am yet again perpetually hungry! Can't seem to get enough! Nothing strange though I don't think... 
  • I went and got highlights this week. I know I'm not supposed to go to spa for risk of fumes, etc. But... there is actually no scientific evidence proving it could harm the baby, so why not treat myself? Next stop... manicure!
  • Went to the lab to get my blood-work done. They took 6 vials from me. Some results were posted on my e-health already, and it looks like my iron is pretty great (93 ug/L). All the other results that I could see looked good as well. Whatever I couldn't see will be sent to midwives. 
  • Breasts SO sore by the end of this week! Hormones... you're so confusing!
  • I did the math to determine what colour eyes our kids will have! I went all the way back to grandparents to determine the alleles of my parents. I used the Punnett Squares we learned about in Science 10(?) - Thank you Louise!
    Our babies will either be:
    - 50% chance of brown; 50% chance of green
    - 50% chance of brown, 50% chance of blue

    It just depends whether I have the green or blue recessive allele. If our first-born has brown eyes, we won't have any further clarity, but if they have blue, then all future children will either be brown or blue! How fun!

  • June 8 (10 Weeks & 1 day) we have an Ultrasound. I'm feeling fantastic (symptom-wise) this day, and nervous that the heartbeat we heard last week was in the midwife's imagination (irrational... I know). Lo and behold, I get to see our little baby right away! I can hardly believe it! It looks so big compared to the last time. (Well... it is... it was the size of a small grain of rice last time... now it's 1.5 inches!) David got to come in after the tech did his initial screening/important pictures to send away for the report. David took a video of the heartbeat which is just so creepy and cool! At the beginning of the appointment the little baby was kicking around like, "DON'T TOUCH ME!"... Just like his/her mommy... so proud! Haha. They stopped moving so much by the time David got there which is too bad.
    I think this appointment made it all seem more real... I won't be able to feel the kicks for a few more weeks-months yet, but it's insane to know that's inside of me! Still hard to believe because I just don't feel pregnant... One of the lucky ones I suppose!
Here he/she is! You can see a little nose, hand up to its mouth, kicking its feet around... What a perfect profile! It's hard to believe that's inside of me... 

Here's a shot taken a couple seconds after the first one. You can see how much baby was moving around in there! Kicking its little legs and waving the arms around! Fussy little bugger! The dots going towards the top are the umbilical cord.

This one shows what (I believe) is the actual size of the little Prune! About 4 cm, or 1.575 inches. 

Wanna see something cool? This is a video of our Kimber Surprise's heartbeat! So bizarre to me. It's too bad he/she isn't kicking around in this one, but you can see the little heart fluttering away!


  1. We did the squares too! I have a recessive blue gene so our babies are 50/50 for brown or blue.

    1. Gasp! If they get your skin tone and blue eyes that would be a stunner! Haha :)
