Monday 17 October 2016


Woo! Who put that basketball under my shirt!!
  • This week the internet is trying to tell me baby is as big as a head of cauliflower. Maybe all curled up in fetal position? A GIANT head of cauliflower?
  • Baby is roughly 15 inches long, and weighs in at around 2.25 lb. At this point in pregnancy, babies will start really growing at their own rate, but the numbers I'm quoting are the average. If I had to guess, I'd say I'm going to have an above-average-sized baby... None of my brothers or David were small... or had small heads... (Nervous chuckle).
  • Babies at this gestational age have been recorded experiencing REM sleep. This suggests baby may be dreaming. I wonder what Baby-K dreams about... The flashes of light he might see on my belly? Playing with the umbilical cord? The noises he hears around him throughout the day? What does it look like in his little brain when he hears Sherlock barking, or bacon sizzling? 
  • Baby could be sticking out his tongue, possibly to taste the amniotic fluid around him. Neat, I guess... It seems pretty gross to me, but whatever floats his boat! 
  • Baby is practicing his blinking. This will come in useful when he's born into the real world of light and dust and dog hair!
  • I am experiencing more heartburn. Still nothing to really complain about, but it is something I notice more now than I have before. I presume it is going to get much worse, so I'm hesitant to even mention it now! 
  • My lower back, tailbone and hips are still pretty sore. Again, I'm scared to complain as I'm sure it's going to get worse and I'll look back fondly on these days and say, "Remember when I thought that hurt? Pfft.... I was weak!" 
  • I'm still sleeping well. I will be forever grateful for my ability to fall asleep quickly. I sincerely hope that this "skill" continues into the days when Baby-K wakes me up 17 times per night. At least if I can fall back asleep quickly I'm maximizing my rest time!
  • I'm feeling baby move consistently. He has much more controlled movements now, which makes things feel strange. It feels like he's trying to escape, or explore his boundaries sometimes. Just a slow push out to the left, and a roll of his hips over to the right... and then a QUICK JAB to the ribs! 
  • I noticed for the first time after a shower the other day that I've started producing colostrum. This is the substance that is very high in nutrients and antibodies that will feed baby for the first few days after birth until my milk actually comes in. It was just a tiny drop and it was clear, but I got a little excited and mostly wierded out at first. 
  • Remember the stretch marks I said I felt coming last week? I officially have my first purple stretch mark. It is right over top of where my belly-button piercing is/was. At least now that the skin stretched out it's not itching anymore!
  • At the end of this week, David and I are in Whistler for our "Baby-Moon" weekend away. So much wonderful relaxation. It's hard to believe how different our lives are going to be in a few months. We left Sherlock at my parents house (Thanks Mom & Dad!!) and we missed him so much! I felt guilty for leaving him... How sad is that? Just wait until it's our BABY we're leaving with a sitter (aka family). I'll be a mess! Haha
  • Fatigue has made its comeback. I nap almost every day now, particularly after work. Some days it's 1-1.5 hours, other days I can get away with just a quick 15-20 minute power nap. Nothing like first trimester though... yet!

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